Port Foody Kids: Rocky Point Ice Cream
Yes! The time has come to make Port Foody Kids’ first post! And nothing could be better for our first one than…Rocky Point Ice Cream! They have been in Port Moody since 1997, they moved into a small space and rebuilt it in late-2012 which is the Rocky Point Ice Cream we (kids) now know and love.
They have great and creative ice cream flavours (it would take me two hours to write down all of them) and, what they are also famous for, is their K9 doggie ice cream (BOW-WOW), cakes, candies, splits and sundaes, milk shakes, real fruit smoothies, locally baked treats, ice cream sandwiches and popsicles. You can even take pints and litres of their ice cream home. YUMMY!
It turns out people from all over come to visit, and I’m not just talking about Vancouver, I’m talking about people from all over North America. There are other places to get ice cream in Port Moody but because of you guys (the ice cream lovers) Rocky Point Ice cream is super popular! So that’s why they are our scooper.
On Monday with spring about to spring, we went down to Rocky Point Park for our first ice cream cones on the year. I had a Lemon Sorbet in a waffle cone and my companion (my Dad) had a Rocky Point Road (we did not want to show photos of me and my dad eating just… just because)
We just heard that Rocky Point Ice Cream released a new ice cream flavour for the first day of Spring called Chocolate Mini Egg Ice Cream. We just missed it by a day, so we will have to go back again soon. I don’t mind at all.
So next time you go to Rocky Point try it out because it’s worth a try.
Samuel Graham Elgstrand
Our kid correspondent.
Check out Rocky Point Ice Cream’s website at rockypointicecream.com